Saturday, February 4, 2017

Eat Two Bananas A Day And You Won’t Believe What It’ll Change

Bananas  surely are the number one fruit after apples. Bananas should be part of your daily  meal. They are a perfect snack, when you’re hungry. Bananas fight a hunger attack If you eat two bananas a day  you’ll be happier, filter and healthy. You will be full of energy. The yellow super fruit contains many vitamins and minerals, they keep your body fit. Bananas are rich in potassium, which perverts those nasty muscle cramps.
Bananas make you happy. The amino acid tryptophan will be transformed by your body into the happiness hormone serotonin. This make you feel content and satisfied.
Your blood pressure will sink. Bananas are perfect for people who suffer from heart conditions, because banana is rich in potassium and contains very little sodium. Bananas are rich in iron, which it is necessary to produce red blood cells and hemoglobin.
Bananas contain vitamin B, which regulars blood sugar level and raises your mood.
Banans help to regulate the temperature of your body. If you have fever eat bananas, if it is a hot day, eat bananas to feel cooler.

 If you suffer from a heartburn bananas can instantly relieve that uncomfortable sensation, because they are natural acid reflux inhibitors.


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